Monday, October 4, 2010

Positive and negative consequences of shifting to a world of technology.

Some positive consequences of having a world of technology is that you could stay at home and do everything on the computer.  That's actually the only positive reason I can think of.  I mean if everything was made from technology you wouldn't ever get anymore exercise and you probably wouldn't be all that healthy.  Things would be a lot different.  I think it's stupid anyway because why would you want everything to be technology?  You'd have one of the most dull lives ever.  Nothing would be fun, if you did college courses online then you would never meet any new people.  So I don't see what's so fun about it. 


Simsbumponablog said...

You make a very good point. It is important to have social interaction. That's why I always feel sorry for the students who are home taught.

Mrs. Smith said...

I agree. Technology certainly has its place in our world, but we are by nature social creatures. It's a shame that we often lose that human touch with technology.